Development Process
Solitary Solutions, Inc. Implementation Services Team offers unparelleled value and experience to small business customers. We use a rigorous six step process that allows our staff to consistently build and grow client solutions. Please review our process below.

1. Analysis
The first step of our implementation team's engagement process is to meet with customers and determine their needs. This involves a series of project meetings, whether virtual or onsite, with input from all levels of users and management.

2. Plan
The planning phase of our implementation process allows our consulting staff and engineers to work together and develop a structured development cycle with clearly defined goals and benchmarks. These plans, which may include information architecture documents, layout comps, storyboards, etc., are communicated to the client for review and approval.

3. Build Upon approval, our engineering and creative team begin to work on your project by writing code, designing layouts, and creating original content. Our client extranet allows clients to review the progress of their ongoing builds.

4. Test When primary development is done, our engineering team begins internal testing. We maintain a strict firewall between development and testing resources for any given project. When internal testing is complete, the project is released to the client for beta testing and acceptance testing.

5. Deploy Upon certification from the client, we deploy the project in accordance with the development plan. In most cases, clients choose to host their web based applications with Solitary Solutions, Inc. Our engineering staff ensures that all transition issues are resolved before transfer takes place to minimize downtime and/or errors.

6. Support & Updates Solitary Solutions, Inc. stands behind all of our implementations and will be availabile for updates and enhancements.

Free Consultation
If you'd like a free consultation, or simply to get more information about what we can do for your business, please email us, or call us toll free at 866.228.5170.

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Solitary Solutions
PO Box 4084
Clarksburg, WV 26302